This day and age you can't just pop an ad in the paper and expect people to come flooding into your store, any "advertising" platform requires consistency. The first time they see your ad, they may pass it over, after a few times it will become embedded in their head and when they need or want your service they might go look for your ad... IF you are still advertising, if not they will go to your competitor who is there. What else is there besides Newspaper, Magazines, TV, Radio, or Billboards that can help you connect with your audience? Reach out into cyberspace to find like minded individuals who need and want your services. Social Media sites such as FaceBook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn etc are a great way for a business to target by specific age groups and interests. People love their social media worlds and they feel connected to their friends and followers. When it's done right, it's like having a virtual relationship with your fans. When you are able to keep your fans interacting on your page by liking, sharing and commenting that means their friends will also see you and may need or want your service. This is only one aspect of how social media can help you, there are so many more.